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< Smart Retailling Award Page
Contact Us
ShopShop@HK 去街買
Participation Form
Please leave us your contact and our staff will contact you soon!
Company Name 公司名稱
Contact Person 聯絡人
Email 電郵
Phone 電話
我想成為參與品牌並 I want to join as participating brands and
同意按 HK$250 消費金額發放 1 個電子印花 Agree to issue e-stamp based on every HK$250 spending
同意提供最少 3 項禮物/優惠供換領 Agree to provide at least 3 offers/discount for consumers' redemption
我想透過 Zoom 進一步了解 ShopShop@HK推廣計劃及商戶參與流程 I want to join Zoom training to understand more about the campaign and the flow for merchants' participaion.
日期 Date: 2020.8.3 (Monday) 11am - 12nn
Thank you for your submission and our staff will contact you soon!
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